
Kanban for AI Agents

JavaScript Framework for Building Multi-Agent Systems.

NOTBacked byYCombinatorCombinator 😙

Why Kanban for AI Agents?

Kanban is a tried-and-true methodology for managing work. We’ve adapted these concepts to meet the unique challenges of AI agent management.

If you've used tools like Trello, Jira, or ClickUp, you'll be familiar with how Kanban helps manage tasks.

Now, KaibanJS uses that same system to help you manage Multi-Agent AI systems in real-time.

Kanban Board

The Kaiban Board: A Trello for AI Workflows

Visualize, manage, and share AI Agents like never before with the Kaiban Board. This familiar Kanban-style interface is built for AI agents to simplify workflows.

Kaiban Board

Run it locally, share with your team, and iterate quickly—without vendor lock-in.

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Try it Yourself

Start the workflow to see AI agents in action on the Kaiban Board—just like Trello or Jira, but for AI agents and humans.

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Like What You See?

Initial Setup

  1. Initialize

    Quickly set up KaibanJS.

    npx kaibanjs@latest init
  2. Run

    Start the Kaiban Board locally.

    npm run kaiban


For manual installation, follow the steps below.

  1. Install

    Install via npm or your preferred package manager.

    npm install kaibanjs
  2. Import

    Import KaibanJS in your JavaScript file using ES6 or CommonJS syntax.

    // Using ES6 import syntax for NextJS, React, etc.
    import { Agent, Task, Team } from "kaibanjs";

    // Using CommonJS syntax for NodeJS
    const { Agent, Task, Team } = require("kaibanjs");

Quick Start Video

Watch how to set up and run KaibanJS in less than a minute.

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Real Use Cases: You Can Develop Now!

YouTube video thumbnail
AI Agents for Sports News

Deploy AI agents to search for sports information and craft in-depth sports articles.

YouTube video thumbnail
AI Agents for Trip Planning

Utilize AI agents to select cities based on criteria and create personalized travel itineraries.

YouTube video thumbnail
AI Agents for Resume Building

Assemble AI agents to extract professional details and construct tailored resumes efficiently.

Key Features of KaibanJS

From Creation to Deployment: All in One Framework

KaibanJS covers every step of your AI journey-build, visualize, and easily integrate with your preferred deployment tools.

Your AI - Your Infrastructure

With KaibanJS, manage every step of the AI lifecycle. Create agents, visualize workflows, and integrate with deployment platforms like Vercel or AWS-all in one place.

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Your AI, Your Infrastructure

Run KaibanJS locally or deploy anywhere-no vendor lock—in, just full control.

Your AI - Your Infrastructure

KaibanJS gives you complete ownership of your AI projects.

Run the Kaiban Board locally for fast iteration, or deploy it to your private servers-without relying on SaaS platforms.

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Your support makes a difference

Role-Based Agent Design

Harness the power of specialization by configuring AI agents to excel in distinct, critical functions within your projects. This approach enhances the effectiveness and efficiency of each task, moving beyond the limitations of generic AI.

import { Agent } from 'kaibanjs';

const daveLoper = new Agent({
name: 'Dave Loper',
role: 'Developer',
goal: 'Write and review code',
background: 'Experienced in JavaScript, React, and Node.js',

const ella = new Agent({
name: 'Ella',
role: 'Product Manager',
goal: 'Define product vision and manage roadmap',
background: 'Skilled in market analysis and product strategy',

const quinn = new Agent({
name: 'Quinn',
role: 'QA Specialist',
goal: 'Ensure quality and consistency',
background: 'Expert in testing, automation, and bug tracking',

For a deeper dive visit the documentation.

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Your Star Means Everything

Tool Integration

Just as professionals use specific tools to excel in their tasks, enable your AI agents to utilize tools like search engines, calculators, and more to perform specialized tasks with greater precision and efficiency.

import { Agent, Tool } from 'kaibanjs';

const tavilySearchResults = new Tool({
name: 'Tavily Search Results',
maxResults: 1,

const peterAtlas = new Agent({
name: 'Peter Atlas',
role: 'City Selector',
goal: 'Choose the best city based on comprehensive travel data',
background: 'Experienced in geographical data analysis and travel trends',
tools: [tavilySearchResults],

KaibanJS supports all LangchainJS-compatible tools, offering a versatile approach to tool integration. For further details, visit the documentation.

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Your Star Makes a Difference

Multiple LLMs Support

Optimize your AI solutions by integrating a range of specialized AI models, each tailored to excel in distinct aspects of your projects.

import { Agent } from 'kaibanjs';

const emma = new Agent({
name: 'Emma',
role: 'Initial Drafting',
goal: 'Outline core functionalities',
llmConfig: {
provider: 'google',
model: 'gemini-1.5-pro',

const lucas = new Agent({
name: 'Lucas',
role: 'Technical Specification',
goal: 'Draft detailed technical specifications',
llmConfig: {
provider: 'anthropic',
model: 'claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620',

const mia = new Agent({
name: 'Mia',
role: 'Final Review',
goal: 'Ensure accuracy and completeness of the final document',
llmConfig: {
provider: 'openai',
model: 'gpt-4o',

For further details on integrating diverse AI models with KaibanJS, please visit the documentation.

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Help Us Grow Stronger

Robust State Management

KaibanJS employs a Redux-inspired architecture, enabling a unified approach to manage the states of AI agents, tasks, and overall flow within your applications. This method ensures consistent state management across complex agent interactions, providing enhanced clarity and control.

import myAgentsTeam from './agenticTeam';

const KaibanJSComponent = () => {
const useTeamStore = myAgentsTeam.useStore();

const {agents, workflowResult } = useTeamStore(state => ({
agents: state.agents,workflowResult: state.workflowResult,

return (<div>
<button onClick={myAgentsTeam.start}>Start Team Workflow</button>
<p>Workflow Result: {workflowResult}</p>
<h2>🕵️‍♂️ Agents</h2>
{ => (
<p key={}>{} - {agent.role} - Status: ({agent.status})</p>

export default KaibanJSComponent;

For a deeper dive into state management with KaibanJS, visit the documentation.

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Join The Journey

Integrate with Your Preferred JavaScript Frameworks

Easily add AI capabilities to your NextJS, React, Vue, Angular, and Node.js projects.

import React from 'react';
import myAgentsTeam from './agenticTeam';

const TaskStatusComponent = () => {
const useTeamStore = myAgentsTeam.useStore();

const { tasks } = useTeamStore(state => ({
tasks: => ({
id:,description: task.description,status: task.status

return (<div>
<h1>Task Statuses</h1>
{ => (
<li key={}>{task.description}: Status- {task.status}</li>

export default TaskStatusComponent;

For a deeper dive visit the documentation.

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Your Support Fuels Our Progress

Observability and Monitoring

Built into KaibanJS, the observability features enable you to track every state change with detailed stats and logs, ensuring full transparency and control. This functionality provides real-time insights into token usage, operational costs, and state changes, enhancing system reliability and enabling informed decision-making through comprehensive data visibility.

const useStore = myAgentsTeam.useStore();

useStore.subscribe(state => state.workflowLogs, (newLogs, previousLogs) => {
if (newLogs.length > previousLogs.length) {
const { task, agent, metadata } = newLogs[newLogs.length - 1];
if (newLogs} = newLogs[newLogs.length - 1].logType === 'TaskStatusUpdate') {
switch (task.status) {
console.log('Task Completed',{
taskDescription: task.description,agentName:,agentModel: agent.llmConfig.modelduration: metadata.duration,llmUsageStats: metadata.llmUsageStats,costDetails: metadata.costDetails,
console.log('Task Status Update',{
taskDescription: task.description,taskStatus: task.status,agentName:
console.warn('Encountered an unexpected task status:', task.status);

For more details on how to utilize observability features in KaibanJS, please visit the documentation.

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Together, We Build the Future

Developer Advantages of KaibanJS

Native JavaScript Development

Harness your existing JavaScript skills to manage and implement AI agents efficiently. KaibanJS fits right into your current workflow, minimizing the need to learn new technologies.

Human-Friendly API Design

KaibanJS is designed with simplicity at its core. It minimizes unnecessary complexity, making it easier for JavaScript developers to adopt and implement AI Agents into their projects.

Browser and Server Compatibility

KaibanJS operates seamlessly in any modern browser, leveraging client-side JavaScript effectively. It also extends to server-side environments with Node.js, enabling robust full-stack JavaScript development.

Compatible with React, Vue, Angular, NextJS and beyond...

KaibanJS seamlessly integrates with major front-end frameworks including React, Vue, Angular, and NextJS. This compatibility enhances functionality and ensures flexibility across various web development projects.

Production Ready

KaibanJS has been rigorously benchmarked for performance to ensure reliability and efficiency in production environments. Everyone is tired of cool-looking AI demos that don’t deliver.

Enhanced Testing and Debugging

Thanks to its Redux-like state management architecture, KaibanJS offers robust tools and integrations that support comprehensive testing and effective debugging.

JavaScript Veterans on KaibanJS

Hear from experienced JavaScript veterans as they share their thoughts on the potential of KaibanJS to improve AI integration.

user avatar
Reinier Guerra

Ex-Google, Ex-Salesforce

At, we’ve leveraged AI to transform customer interactions fundamentally. Seeing the potential of KaibanJS, I am excited about how it could similarly revolutionize application development by making AI more accessible to JavaScript developers.

Its seamless integration and intuitive design could dramatically enhance how developers build interactive, responsive applications.

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Arthur Sieler

Chief Developer at Cogency IO

Discovering KaibanJS has opened up exciting possibilities for Cogency IO. Its client-side capabilities fit perfectly into our system, allowing us to consider integrating advanced features directly into our Kanban boards without altering our Java backend.

I see tremendous potential in KaibanJS to streamline our operations and enhance productivity without complicating our existing infrastructure.

user avatar
Jose Sandoya

Frontend Developer at Shopify

KaibanJS is a game-changer for developers who want to leverage AI without stepping out of their JavaScript ecosystem.

While I appreciate Python for its AI capabilities, it’s incredibly convenient to stay within JavaScript when integrating AI agents into existing projects.

About Us

Hi there 👋, we are the KaibanJS team.

- We didn't graduate from @Harvard, @MIT, or any Ivy League school.

- We haven't worked at @Google, @Meta, @Amazon or any of the biggest tech companies.

- Nor have we been part of any big accelerator or VCs like @ycombinator, @sequoia, etc.

So our chances to push this framework forward are smaller compared with other teams.

(FIXME: Yep, believe it or not, there is some sort of elitism in the Startup scene.)


We love what we do, have years of experience building complex web systems, and are ready to work hard.


We are deeply grateful to Andrew Ng and Andrej Karpathy, who inspire us as role models through their dedication to the AI community.

Thanks to João Moura, CrewAI, and the LangChain Team for their innovative ideas that inspire our work; to the Built in Miami team for their essential support through our accelerator program; to OpenAI and Anthropic for pioneering the technologies fundamental to our development.

Special thanks also to Anton and Seth for their invaluable advice and mentorship, and to all the friends, family, and members of the KaibanJS community who continually back and support us.